The Athletes Complete Protein. Take Anytime: Morning, Pre/Post Workout And Night. Award Winning Taste and Quality. 25g Protein. 5 Protein Sources
The Athletes Complete Protein. Take Anytime: Morning, Pre/Post Workout And Night. Award Winning Taste and Quality. 25g Protein. 5 Protein Sources. Gluten Free. Fuels Muscles and Performance for Hours! People Who Train Hard Demand A Superior And More Effective Protein. To Maximize Lean Muscle Growth And Recovery Ensuring Proper Protein Nutrition, MusclePharm Scientists Fortified Combat Protein Powder With A Variety Of Protein Blends That Digest At Varying Rates-This Helps Fuel Your Muscles Longer. The Great Tasting, Easy Mixing Digestive Blend Is Fine Tuned For True Nutrient Utilization-A Step Ahead In Protein Powder Technology. Most Other Protein Products Seem To Be Okay With The Status Quo, The Minimum. But Ask Yourself: Do You Give Your Workouts Minimum Effort? MusclePharm Scientists Over-Delivered. Combat Protein Powder Is Precision Engineered With Whey Protein Concentrates, Hydrolysates And Isolates, Egg Albumin, And Micellar Casein. These Help Create A Muscle-Building Environment For Longer Periods Of Time, Which Results In Greater Muscle Building, Recovery And Performance. Key Features: 25g Of Award Winning Taste And Easy To Mix Protein. 5 Powerful Proteins: Fast and Slow Digesting. Take It Anytime: Morning, Pre/Post Workout And Night. Gluten Free. Benefit From 5 Protein Sources. Whey Protein Hydrolysate: Broken Down Into Faster Absorbing Peptides, This Rapidly Infuses Muscle Building Amino Acids. Whey Protein Isolate: Digest And Absorbs Rapidly And Is, Gram For Gram, The Highest Available Yield Of Protein. Whey Protein Concentrate: Closest To Whole Food and Contains Real Subfractions. Egg Albumin: Highly Bioavailable And Is High In Naturally Occurring BCAAs And Arginine. Micellar Casein: Digest Slowly, Infusing Valuable Amino Acids Over Several Hours. Performance. Strength. Build Muscle. Time Released Protein.